Monday 30 September 2013


I am running an experiment to see if Facebook is a drain on our creative energies and eats our time like some kind of bingeing singularity trying to fill the endless void gouged from having no family or friends - I didn't set out to prove exactly that, initially I thought it might help me to not procrastinate. I didn't think it would work either, given I am the queen of putting shit off till later, and in fact I have several gold medals that I won for England in this field waiting to be picked up at the post office, as soon as I find the time.

I was facebooking at every idle moment. waiting for tubes, trains, elevators, ordering food, loo, while excel opened, while I clicked in a cell, while I saved my word document, while I booted my laptop, in between breaths. The difference it made - no one was as surprised as me. Not only has it given me time back, something else has happened. I'm in a better mood. I'm not constantly seeing how well everyone is doing, specifically and exactly how much better everyone is doing. I had morphed into some coveting jealous mouth breather, wilfully forgetting to be happy for people when people were happy. Facebook had turned me into a cunt.

Not only that, but I am a billion times less anxious, I'm essentially what one might call a 'total utter fucking pussy', and really can't handle any meaness, aggressiveness, hostility of any kind and specifically anyone heckling my beliefs or gags, or even Facebook updates. Do you know how stressful that is? Especially if you're naturally inclined to be a bit shit and a bit cheesy?

It's been an an eye opener. Firstly, quite a few of the sweetest people that I love the most can be quite brutal online, in general. Secondly, so can I. Don't get be wrong, the lols totally outweigh the racs (rage at computer, thank you, just coined it, no really, thank you, it was nothing) but that's essentially another problem in itself, funny is like an appetite, it runs out once you satisfy it, leaving no room for any of the funny you have in the fridge at home. You end up wasting it, throwing it away, and hating yourself. Ok maybe not hating yourself. But yeah. Hating yourself.

I wouldn't say that Facebook is a waste of time, but it was like an addiction; like super Hans from Peep Show said when he was smoking crack at a wedding; "it's really moorish."

It's just good not to waste too much of your time on the things that are little.

shit, scuse me, have to go, I'm missing Gogglebox.

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